
Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food

The incidence in increasing and reported outbreaks doubled from 2011 to 2014.Ready-to-eat foods such as smoked fish, deli meats and soft cheeses are common sources of listeriosis. In the recent years, outbreaks and recalls of fruit and vegetables have increased.

Facts about Listeria monocytogenes

Burden: The disease burden of Listeria in Europe is 3 DALY per 100 000 people each year (equals to 14 000 DALY each year). DALY: (Disability Adjusted Life years) is a measure for the total health burden where one DALY can be thought of as one year of “healthy” life lost. Cases: More than 1000 European citizens suffer from listeriosis each year. Deaths: Listeria causes about 400 deaths each year. Sources: The most common sources for Listeria are foods that are "Ready-to-eat" like salads, cold cuts, sandwitches etc.

Burden: The disease burden of Listeria in Europe is 3 DALY per 100 000 people each year (equals to 14 000 DALY each year). DALY (Disability Adjusted Life years) is a measure for the total health burden where one DALY can be thought of as one year of “healthy” life lost. Cases: More than 1000 European citizens suffer from listeriosis each year. Deaths: Listeria causes about 400 deaths each year. Sources: The most common sources for Listeria are food that are Ready-to-eat without heat treatment.