Most people believe that their own kitchen hygiene is decent and are sure that the food they make at home are safe. However almost one out of five prefer hamburgers that is not span class="Apple-converted-space">

The consumer are more aware of the contamination risk of raw chicken than of raw hamburgers, and they are more eager to check that the chicken is thoroughly cooked.

​Checking if the food is ready to eat

How do Norwegian consumers check if the hamburgers or the chickens are thoroughly cooked? Most people cut the pieces in two and look at the color, and only a few use a thermometer, even if that is what is recommend.

This hamburger may be thoroughly cooked, but use a thermometer to be sure

The figure below shows how the consumers check if the food is ready to eat. The results show that there is a need for increased knowledge on how to handle food with a contamination risk.

This study, which was a web based survey on 1220 Norwegian consumers completed in 2016, is a part of the ScareCom project coordinated by Nofima and funded by the Research counsil of Norway.

Source: Forbrukerkommunikasjon ved matbårne utbrudd, June 2017